2017년 4월 16일 일요일

슬라임 랜처.Slime Rancher - 트레저 팟.Treasure Pod

MK1(초록) 트레저 크래커.MK1(Green) treasure cracker
반드시 실험실을 사놓아야 됨.The Lab must be coought already
첫 번째 자원 추출 주기를 지나야 됨.You have to go through your first extractor cycle

19개의 초록 트레저 팟.19 green treasure pods
Spring Pad Tech Valley
#1. two Deep Brines, a Lava Dust
메마른 암초.The Dry Reef
#1. a blueprint of a Sponge Shrub
#2. a blueprint of a Violet Slime Lamp
#3. a blueprint of a Sponge Tree
#4. a blueprint of a Coral Grass Patch
#5. three Spiral Stems
- 링 섬.Ring Island
#1. a blueprint of a Violet Warp Depot
이끼 담요 숲.The Moss Blanket
#1. a blueprint of a Amber Slime Lamp
#2. three Hexacombs
#3. a blueprint of a Mossy Tree
#4. a blueprint of a Wildflower Patch
#5. two Wild Honeys, a Royal Jelly
#6. a blueprint of a Moss Tree Stump
인디고 채석장.The Indigo Quarry
#1. three Slime Fossils
#2. a blueprint of a Minty Grass Patch
#3. two Indigonums, a Strange Diamond
#4. a blueprint of a  Blue Coral Columns
고대 폐허.The Ancient Ruins
#1. a blueprint of the Sunburst Tree
#2. a blueprint for Verdant Grass Patch

MK2(파랑) 트레저 크래커.MK2(Blue) treasure cracker
MK1 크래커를 사야됨.Buy the MK1 Cracker
일정 양의 장치를 구성해야 함(약 50번).You need to construct a certain amount of gadgets(about 50)

19개의 파랑 트레저 팟.19 blue treasure pods
Spring Pad Tech Valley
#1. a blueprint of the Spring Pad
메마른 암초.The Dry Reef
#1. a blueprint of a Violet Teleporter
#2. a blueprint of a Pink Coral Columns
#3. three Spiral Steams
#4. a blueprint of a Red Slime Lamp
- 링 섬.Ring Island
#1. two Deep Brines, a Lava Dust
이끼 담요 숲.The Moss Blanket
#1. two Wild Honeys, a Royal Jelly
#2. a blueprint of Amber Warp Depot
#3. a blueprint of Glow Cones
#4. three Hexacomb
인디고 채석장.The Indigo Quarry
#1. a blueprint of a Green Teleporter
#2. a blueprint of a Green Slime Lamp
#3. three Slime Fossils
- 작은 재 숲(동굴).Cinder Grove(Cave)
#1. a blueprint of Crystal Cluster
#2. two Indigoniums, a Strange Diamond
- 재 섬.Ash Isle
#1. a blueprint of Fireflower Patch
고대 폐허.The Ancient Ruins
#1. Star Flower Patch
#2. three Slime Fossils
#3. three Hexacombs

MK3(보라) 트레저 크래커.MK3(Purple) treasure cracker
MK2 크래커를 사놔야 됨.Buy the MK2 Cracker
일정 양의 장치를 구성해야 함(약 100번).You need to construct a certain amount of gadgets(about 100)

21개의 보라 트레저 팟.21 purple treasure pods
메마른 암초.The Dry Reef
#1. a blueprint of a Violet Teleporter
- 링 섬.Ring Island
#1. a blueprint of the Cute Fashion Pod
- 콧수염 섬.Mustache Island
#1. a blueprint of the Handlebar Fashion Pod
이끼 담요 숲.The Moss Blanket
#1. a blueprint of an Amber Teleporter
#2. a blueprint of Red Warp Depot
#3. a blueprint of Jumbo Mushroom
#4. a blueprint of the Smart Fashion Pod
#5. a blueprint of the Shady Fashion Pod
#6. a blueprint of the Dandy Fashion Pod
#7. two Wild Honey, a Royal Jelly
인디고 채석장.The Indigo Quarry
#1. a blueprint of Green Warp Depot
#2. a blueprint of a Hexium Formation
#3. Royal Fashion Pod
#4. a blueprint of the Serious Fashion Pod
#5. a unknown item
- 재 섬.Ash Isle
#1. a blueprint of Red Teleporter
고대 폐허.The Ancient Ruins
#1. two Deep Brine, a Lava Dust
#2. Glow Sticks
#3. two Wild Honey, a Royal Jelly
#4. Crystal Sconce
#5. two Indigonium, a Strange Diamond

위키에서 총 61개에 나타난건 60개라는데 하지만 총 58개 밖에 되지 않습니다.
There are 60(total 61) in the wiki, but only 58 in total.
정확한 개수는 모르겠습니다.
I don't know the exact number.

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